Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I feel like a string that has been pulled as far as it can stretch and is about to snap.I feel downtrodden, bruised, depressed, shitty - let me count the ways: while my boss was apologetic about it, I didn't get the raise I asked for and think I deserve due to increased responsibilities (chalk it up to "budgetary reasons" at a multi-billion dollar company. Whatever.); I'm getting booted from the fourth office I've had in a year (I'm a lowly admin and faculty will always get what they want - I'm not surprised because it's too nice of an office for my position, but STILL. FOUR moves in ONE year. I feel like I'm getting jerked around on a chain.); Claire has been screaming this morning AND she bit my nipple AGAIN which KILLS; the cats are always in my face, stepping on my pillow or my hair or my stomach...they are way too needy and they're driving me nuts; a person at work is a bossy bitch and she's not even my boss - somebody tell her that please!
Life sucks at the moment. Calgon, take me away! |