Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy First Father's Day!
Claire and I are the two luckiest girls I know. I had no idea what kind of man Huz would be when I married him at the tender age of 18, but I'm delighted by the man he has become. He is a wonderful friend, husband, and, now, father. He is the most devoted Dad I've ever met - he takes care of our baby girl for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week. He never complains and he never ceases to find joy in watching our child. He adores her like nothing else in the world. He is gentle, kind, and loving. He gives his time and energy for his family. I love and appreciate you so much, babe. You mean the world to Claire and me.We celebrated Father's Day by going out for breakfast. Claire enjoyed being in a restaurant highchair for the first time while eating bananas and oatmeal. She also enjoyed flirting with all the little boys in the place. We gotta watch this one!
Here's to a wonderful husband and father.