Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Everything and the kitchen sink
Are you sitting there at your desk with your hands on your hips wondering when I'm going to post?
Sorry. I've been super L-A-Z-Y and Pee on a Stick Tired. That's my new term. I'm so tired that people are starting to wonder if I'm pregnant. My response? Do you want a knuckle sandwich? What kind of condiments do you prefer? No, I haven't peed on a stick to confirm; I'm in denial of such nonsense. I'm convinced it's the ol' hormone hay day trying to make it's grand reappearance after a year-long hiatus. Good times.
For those of you (you know who you are, mom) who have been pestering me about posting pictures of our awesome new counter tops, here you go. They are awesome and make the kitchen look brand new.
But first, here are the old, nasty, baby blue, marbled laminate counters.

And here are the new LG Hi-Macs counter tops.

New sink with no seams whatsoever!

And here are two happy little pots I bought at a garage sale for 25 cents a piece.