Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Walloping Mongoose
I love my darling Claire. She is so adorable, so cuddly, so precious, so very loud.As of yesterday she's been practicing the ol' vocal cords and all I can say is, Claire, if that's your singing voice, you should try out for American Idol and join the ranks of this fine singer. She likes to talk. And then talk some more. Huz called her a dying hyena and a walloping mongoose, which pretty much captures it. She did it all yesterday afternoon, some more that evening, and then again at 3:00a.m. after I fed her and laid her back down. It came blasting through the monitor on my nightstand right by my ear. But I didn't mind. I just laughed and fell asleep and she soon did too.
Don't you just love how her fingers are laced together half way through this? As if to say, let's all join hands now and sing - out of key and really loud.
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The love I have for this child, it's utterly amazing. I had to force myself to leave the house this morning. All I wanted to do was stay and nuzzle in her downy neck hair all day, even if she was braying like a sick goat in my ear the whole time. |