Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Three C's
Claire:Yesterday was rough around here. I think Claire is going through a growth spurt (already!?) or something because she was inconsolable all day unless she was on the boob every.stinking.hour. Do you know how much boob time that is? A LOT. I seriously was attached to the kid all day long. Thankfully she switched to every two hours overnight, but STILL. I hope today is better, but most books I've read say growth spurts (and the ravenous feedings that go along with them) last 48 hours. Oy vey.
We had another big day of firsts on Monday. We went downtown with Huz and dropped him off at school and then Claire and I went (me! driving! alone with her in the back!) to the new Whole Foods that just opened in Nashville. I put her in the Baby Bjorn (for the first time - took a while - I'm such a novice) and walked around the store for a bit. I bought myself a cute little teapot for times of relaxing (between boob times, I guess) and got lots of oohs and aahs over Claire Bear (I get offended if I don't!). Then I nursed her in the car (hadn't received my nursing cover yet, but got it yesterday. Must try it out!) and picked up Huz. We went to lunch together and then to the movies. I was immensely worried about how loud the previews were so I covered her ears the entire time, but thankfully we chose a relatively quiet movie (i.e., not a war movie) and had a good time because she slept through it and it was a good film to boot. We changed her diaper on the floor after the movie (Um, hello? Movie theater? Why don't you have a changing station in the freaking bathroom?) and then went home. That's when the demand for the boob every hour started. Either she was traumatized from our big day out or it's a growth spurt. I'm going with the later, which makes me sad. Her hands and feet already look bigger to me. She's so stinkin' cute that I don't want her to grow, but I guess with growth comes more independence and less boob time needed, which, I must say, sounds like a good thing.
After that post in which I shared my desire to murder Neville, we decided we couldn't take the cat-induced sleep disruptions any more. No, we didn't kill him, nor did we get rid of him. Instead, we have allowed the fur kids back into the bedroom and have finagled the crib tent (which doesn't work on the crib anyway, or at least it doesn't keep our Houdini Cambridge out) over the bassinet, making it impossible for them to disturb her. I have to say, the nights have been much better since we did this.
I briefly posted a request for romance movie ideas yesterday (then deleted it because I found some Sundance Film Festival movies on NetFlix) because Huz is leaving me this weekend for sunny San Diego (Jealous much? Yes I am, but not because it's San Diego. No, at this point I'm jealous that he gets to go to a quiet hotel and SLEEP, like, ALL NIGHT LONG. No fair!!). I hate the term "Chick Flick" but I guess that's what I want - something I want to see that Huz won't roll his eyes over. We really have similar taste in movies though (with the exception of all his boring Russian and Japanese film fetishes), so the typical romance isn't really on my radar anyway. I want to see well-acted, thoughtful films where the subject matter isn't necessarily uber serious. That's all. These are the ones I added to the queue - I hope they're good (and that Claire and I have an uneventful, turbulence-free weekend on our own!). YIKES! |