Thursday, November 1, 2007
Post for Grandma
Sorry I haven't posted pictures for you in a while, Grandma. Please forgive me - I've been a bit sleep deprived and in a daze. Actually, last night was pretty good. Little Miss Claire went down around 11:00p.m. and then was up every 3 and a half hours. Yippee! To those without kids, sleeping for spurts of 3 and a half hours probably sounds treacherous but, believe me, after 1 and a half or 2 hour intervals, it's a dream! I never thought I'd live to see what 3:00a.m. looks like so consistently (I'm not a night person or a partier, can you tell?).Anyway, on to the most recent pictures. I don't have any cutsie Halloween ones for you because the 2 pumpkin hat/bootie outfits we have for her are just too big and she looks like the Pumpkin Gansta big time. Maybe next month for Thanksgiving!? She is our Fall Pumpkin afterall.
First, here's a photo narrative by Huz. The other night (early, as you can see):

The family left him on his own in pursuit of Dreamville. This included the fur kids:

As well as me and the real kid:

Here's our cute little widget hanging out in her bouncy seat:

Here we are on our way out for another neighborhood walk. It was only in the 60s that day, but with the Little Furnace wrapped so closely to my body, I was literally sweating afterwards.

This is the Ultimate Baby Wrap and I like it because she's so secure, but it is a pain to wrap all that fabric around your body (I wouldn't want to take it to the grocery store, for example, because it drags on the ground while you put it on - maybe it'll just take more getting used to?). Don't you love the lengths we go to to entertain our child? Check out the fabric book we hung from the dining room chandelier. C-L-A-S-S-Y.
Here's the Bear* happy as a clam in her swing that some of my colleagues bought for us.

Here I am trying out another sling I received as a gift (and love), as well as my new iPod from one of the professors I work with (it was a thank you gift for helping him run his 8 week course! Talk about generous! I'm so glad I took this job! Whoa. Exclamation City, here we come.).

Finally, here are my favorite kind of shots - Daddy and his little girl. He's so smitten, it's not even funny.

She clearly surrenders to his love and returns it with complete trust in his arms.

*By the way, I must tell you that Claire Bear was our own invention. I've called Huz "Bear" for years and it was a natural to call her that because of the whole rhyming thing. However, now that Huz and I are watching Heroes, Season One (via Netflix, natch) in order to watch the current season and actually follow it, we were horrified to hear Evil Horn-Rimmed Glasses Man call his daughter Claire Bear. Horrified, I tell you! Hey! That's our name and we didn't get it from t.v.! Ugh. |