Tuesday, November 27, 2007
For the life of me I can't figure out what to post lately. I want to entertain you, make you laugh, piss you off, or whatever it takes to get a reaction out of you, but I simply don't have the time or energy. Sorry.I must have been raised Catholic (and not know about it) or something. I just feel so darn guilty for not doing anything for Huz's birthday yesterday. Usually I'm all over birthdays or anniversaries. I buy gifts, make cards, throw parties, and sometimes even do treasure hunts. This year? I did absolutely nothing for Huz. I was at home with the baby while he went to class, stayed in my pjs until about 1:30p.m. when he got back, and did nada for him. I feel so bad. He says he doesn't care, that he got the best gift ever this year, but I still feel like a jerk. One thing we decided to get back too, though, is the practical gift practice. What's this you ask? It's just what it sounds like. We have things we need/want as a household and family anyway, so why not buy these things for each other? We decided to do just that for his birthday. Tired of having homes (always rented homes before where we couldn't do anything about it anyway) with old, greasy, hot-spot-laden ovens, we decided to buy a new one for his (and my, albeit in February) birthday. Practical, useful, and appreciated. It will be delivered on December 10th (which happens to be our 13th wedding anniversary), giving Huz enough time to tackle the next big house project: tiling the kitchen floor. Eventually we'll get a new counter too because, um, I don't know if you know this, but I hate laminate. Especially shitty blue marble kind that looks like it's from the 50s.
Claire update:
She's doing well - seems to be growing every day. Her hands seem huge to me and her cheeks, if you can believe it, are rounder. She fusses a lot and we use the pacifier a lot. Some people criticize this method, but it's about survival, people. S.u.r.v.i.v.a.l. She's not colicky, but definitely screams if she's unhappy. We always go down the list: hungry? dirty diaper? hot? cold? bored? needs to be cuddled? tired? In the end, if all of these needs are met, there's nothing to do but stick a cork in it and hold her. She can go from zero to sixty in seconds. I kid you not.
One second:

One second later:

She's also a Houdini, just like Cambridge. We borrowed a baby straight jacket, oh, sorry, a Miracle Blanket, from a friend and she can bust her hand out of it like no tomorrow. This is after you strap her arms down to her sides, pull the foot part up, the right flap over, and then the really long left flap. She's a wiggle worm, this kid.

We have lots of turkey leftovers from a kick ass bird Huz made again this year. Any recipe ideas?
Also, I'm so sick of our toaster setting the fire alarm off. No, we have not replaced it from way back when it first broke. Any good quality, long-lasting, great toasting machines you can recommend? Seriously. We go through toasters like nobody's business around here and it's driving me crazy.
I need to start reading novels again. You know, books written by adults for adults. Not just books about breastfeeding, baby acne, and the like. I'm going to start with the newest Murakami. I like him and his surreal worlds he creates.
I have my six week postpartum appointment next week. I'm calling it the "Can We Do It Yet" appointment. We'll see, though I have to admit that it sounds rather frightening to me. |