Sunday, November 11, 2007
Claire's life is full of first-time events, as you'd expect. Here's a few of the latest:On her 15th day the umbilical cord fell off. I was both proud (as if she had anything to do with it) and sad that the lifeline that went from me to her for so long was officially gone.
On her 20th day she started to get the classic baby acne.
Hi, my name is Claire and my mom gave me zits.

I told her it's only fair that my hormones (which are slowly getting out of her system) gave her acne because she gave me acne when she was inside of me.
On her 21st day she got her first tub bath. It looks like it went fine, but this was the first 30 seconds; after that, it kind of went down hill. We'll see if next time goes any better.

On her 22nd day (today) she drank breast milk from a bottle for the first time. I think her daddy was more than happy to have this moment with her.

Then she had her first tummy time experience.

The kerchief was daddy's idea. She's like the baby version of The Boss.

Cambridge decided to get in on the tummy time action. She's that upside down blur on the right.

Oh, and I had a first yesterday too. I left the house without my baby for the first time in 3 weeks. It was only to go to the grocery and liquor stores (For some wine! That I can finally drink! Yes, it's in moderation. Chill out breastfeeding Nazis.). I was gone probably 45 minutes and I called home once to check on Claire and Huz, but they were fine (she was in the middle of her long afternoon nap which she's being very stubborn about taking today).
The end. |