Thursday, October 18, 2007
Midwife Visit Update
Howdy folks. I'm cramping big time. How are you?My midwife appointment went well. The stats: I'm 75% effaced, 3 cm dilated, and the baby's head is low, making the membranes bulge. The midwife (who referred to herself as the "Stripping Queen") stripped my membranes, but said there wasn't much to strip (meaning, my body done stripped 'em already). It all sounds so promising, but you never know with these things! I asked Cletus to come out either tomorrow (Friday) night or Saturday. We'll see if she's a good sport. I'm technically not due until next Saturday (and first time pregnancies typically go past the due date), but I'm really ready. I know 8 weeks will fly, but I'm so looking forward to being off of work for 2 months and enjoying our new family together. We've already got tickets booked to fly home to Colorado to show off our new bundle of joy the last 2 weeks of December and that will frankly be the coolest thing ever. I doubt our families will care that we're skipping Christmas presents this year (I'm going to be on short term disability and will only be making 66% of my income, so I sure hope they understand) because they'll be so enraptured with the new baby! I know we will be. :) I still can't believe that after almost 13 years of just being Huz and Victoria, that there will be three of us! The Winters FAMILY. How cool is that? |