Monday, March 12, 2007
Lots O' Nothing
So we moved one week ago and, were I in my normal state of frantic Must.Get.All.Cardboard.Out.Of.Sight mode, we would be all done unpacking by now. But no. This pregnancy bit is for the birds. Lazy birds. Now, I'm not complaining about finally getting pregnant, really. It's just that this constant need for sleep and wanting to puke all the time is cramping my Go Get 'Em style. I accomplished absolutely nada this weekend. Not one box was unpacked. I lazed around, feeling green in the face with nausea, and did not much of anything other than watch Huz change yet another light fixture in our house. We also went to the furniture store to find end tables, but instead found a dining room table on clearance ($365 down to $98 because of a small scratch) that will be perfect for Huz's desk in the den. The den, by the way, now has the sexiest hardwood floors I've ever seen. Oh baby.