Monday, October 30, 2006
Trophy Deserving Costume
We had a great time Saturday night with 28 people jammed into my little house. There was tons of food (though I only ate four bites all night, which would explain why my 4 glasses of wine did what they did to me), lots of noise and laughter. Basically: Awesome.As promised, here are photos, but you can see them all if you like.
I collected votes from people on their favorite costume (I forgot to vote) and guess who won? ME! Here I am with my prize (oh so klassy dracula goblet).

Fifi the French Maid

Fifi and the Stewardess

Corky St. Clair

Dead Hikers (hypothermia is a bitch)


Amelie and Fifi (or Sober and Not Sober)

Robert Palmer and his girl (she had a guitar)

Fifi and Prisoner (uh oh!)

Fifi and Catholic School Girl

Hand Ice Cube

The Spread (wish I had eaten more of this - looks tasty!)

Harry Potter

I Forget What They Were Supposed to Be


I Carved Some Pumpkins Too