Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Fake Blogs?
I just realized that I've been tricked, duped, punkd. Two of the newest additions on my "Reading" sidebar aren't really blogs at all. They're merely masquerading as them. A blog is supposed to be a person's diary put online, right? Well these writers aren't talking about what they did over the weekend; they aren't struggling publicly with infertility; they aren't trying to engage in political or religious discourse. These writers are simply promoting items for sale and, undoubtedly, the "person" writing them is on the payroll for this form of advertising.Ack! I'm a bit pissed that I've been tricked into reading commercials hidden under the mask of a blog. But I suppose we're all duped into this commercialism trap. We drive down the highway and are inundated by billboards screaming in giant font about which radio stations to listen to and which restaurants to eat at; we watch t.v. and get 2 minutes of commercials for every 15 minutes of show (and don't even get me started on how these operate to continue the normalization of traditional gender roles - Wow! A woman is doing all of the household chores and she's so happy about it! Wow! A woman is caring for the children and needs to buy these great baby wipes so that her kids can be as clean and happy as those on the t.v.!); we get sidebars and sidebars of ads on websites and blogs (and, yes, I know that some people do it for income to support their families, but it gets old after a while, doesn't it?).
Anyway, it just got me to thinking...
We interrupt this blog to tell you about the NEW! FRESH! MUST HAVE! household good of this decade! It's the Loose Slipcover Detector and it's available to you (by calling in the next 10 minutes) for a mere twelve payments of $19.95! Call now!!
The Loose Slipcover Detector is EASY to use! Simply place it in front of the couch.

The L.S.D. will immediately detect if the slipcover is loose.

Utilizing the most up-to-date and scientifically tested methods of detection, the L.S.D. will determine just how loose the slipcover really is.

Some of these methods may appear strange, but they are all normal and should occur in your L.S.D. like this floor model here.

Again, these are scientifically proven methods of looseness detection!

The detection process is almost complete!

The L.S.D. is modern and useful! Upon completion of the detection process, it will come out of the slipcover to give a full report of its findings!

Finally, if the L.S.D. comes REALLY close to your face (or camera in this case), then you know for certain (it's 99.99% accurate) that your slipcover is, in fact, loose and needs to be tucked in.
Don't delay!! Get your Loose Slipcover Detector TODAY!!