Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Cardboard Everywhere!
Here's a glimpse into my world:
It's a world of cardboard boxes and empty kitchens.

Here's Cambridge getting used to her new carrier that I bought her for the move. She digs it and spends many hours a day napping in it. Good thing, 'cause she'll be in it for a 10 hour drive this Sunday!

Due to the incident, we've confined her to one room by getting a baby gate to block the living room entrance. It lasted for about 10 minutes before she jumped right over it. So, I taped a strip of cardboard above it to make it even higher in order to prevent another escape. Any bets on how long that lasted? 5 minutes. She sailed right over the cardboard (well, actually right into it), effectively knocking it to the ground. Huz was no help at this point, as he laughed and cheered her on, saying, "Free Willy!!" So, we had to take a deep breath and assert our intellectual superiority over her by coming up with yet another idea to keep her in prison. It was this - 2 boxes of books on the bottom and the baby gate on top. It makes for a hell of a time trying to get in and out of the living room (we use a stool on one side and a step ladder on the other to do it), but it keeps her in there.

That's all for now, friends. Oh, unless you want to see a picture that Huz took of me in a ridiculous sleeping position the other night after I passed out tired as hell from all the packing. (I can't believe I'm sharing it with the world - it makes my ass look humungous!)