Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Bon Voyage
Alright my lovely e-friends, it's time to bid you adieu. Huz and I will be enjoying our celebratory vacation (for our belated 10th anniversary, my graduation from college, and his Ph.D. acceptance) in Europe for the next few days.I can't promise that I'll be thinking of you when I'm here,
or here,
but you never know! I may be thinking of how to blog about it every step of the way! :)
Stace - Congrats on finally getting Canadian residency! Have a great week and remember to give Hobbes some lovin' for me.
Jen - Continued luck on the job search and move to Seattle! I'll be checking in on you when I come back.
Lois - I know I'll have lots of fun stories to read when I get back, so keep up the great story-telling!
J Henry - I can't wait to get back from Europe and to share with you and the Internets how awesome that D70 really is! :)
KVB - Here's a hug for your Nana and for pre-wedding stress while I'm gone! |----------| Hang in there, girl, and I'll answer your questions when I come back! :)
Marian Evans and Moltmannian - Thank you so much for taking care of Cambridge. Please give her love everyday (and food and water!) because I know she is going to miss us wicked bad!
I'll see y'all when I get back!
Ciao! |